Event Details

Below is information on upcoming events and monthly ministry opportunities. 

  • Knitting Hearts

    young ladies ministry

    (No actual knitting!)-- 

    First Friday of the month @10:00am

    Calling all ladies 18-45! Every month the ladies of Knitting Hearts get together for a time of food, fun, and fellowship! Come out and join us in the Family Life Center Friday @ 10:00 a.m. Come with a happy heart and please bring a snack to share! Childcare is available. For information, please contact Rebekah Lashley. (We don't actually knit!)


    wed @10:10 a.m.

    Senior Saints meets every Wed. morning at 10:10 a.m. in the Chapel. All adults (age 50 and older) are invited to attend this wonderful time of Bible lessons, fellowship, and food. 

    The first Wednesday of every month we finish with a luncheon! Invite a friend and join us!

  • ladies' fellowship-- fourth fridays

    @ 6:30P.m.


    Are you looking for a place to be engaged, encouraged, and inspired? Then Midway's Monthly Ladies' Fellowships are the place for you!

    We normally meet on the 4th Friday of each month for a time of fellowship, food, and fun.  These wonderful events are open to all ladies age 18 and up. 

    Childcare for newborns - age 12 is provided upon request. Please contact Rebekah Brunet at (850-939-4423) no later than the Wednesday before the event. 

  • Men's Bible study

    Mondays @6:30pm in FLC 

    *Meet in the office area during upward season

    Men's Bible Study. Every Monday Evening at 6:30pm in the Chapel. 

    Mighty Men of Midway, Join Bro. Dennis each week as he distills God's Word into applicable life lessons. Invite a friend and join us for a wonderful time of fellowship beginning at 6:00 p.m.  followed by Bible Study at 6:30 p.m. The first Monday of every month we have a Men's Supper. We will see you there! 

    If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Pete Belmain at pbelmain@midwaybaptist.org

Have a question about a ministry or event?

For questions about ministry opportunities or upcoming events please call the church office at 850-932-6549 or send an email to staff@midwaybaptist.org.