Midway KIDZ

Midway Baptist loves Kids! Jesus Christ loved little ones and our Midway Kidz ministries strive to show that same love for your child. All of our kids' ministries are designed to be safe, fun, and centered on Jesus Christ. Our desire is that every child will: 


        Know Him: Impact children and their families with God’s unconditional love and provide opportunities for children to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (John 1:12). 

        Love Him: Cultivate a passion for Scripture so children will seek to understand its principles and apply its truth to all their relationships in Christ-like obedience (Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). 

Serve Him: Equip children to share their faith, to serve others, and to discover God’s plan for their lives (Mat. 28:19-20; 1 Tim. 4:12). 

Our ministry values guide our work. At Midway, we know families are the core of spiritual development. Midway Kidz comes alongside parents to provide tools, tips, and opportunities for spiritual development of families at church and at home.

NOTE:  We use the KidCheck secure children's check-in for all of our kids' ministries.  Click here for more information and to set up your account.

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Super Summer KIDZ

Our children’s programs heat up for summer! In the summer months we take a break from PowerSurge and SparkPlug Kidz and change it up a little. Every Wednesday night is an activity loaded, worship-filled and exciting time your kids will not want to miss! Check out our News & Events page for our Super Summer dates and nightly themes!

Click here for the Super Summer 2023 Schedule

Nursery KIDZ

Midway Baptist's nursery is an engaging and safe place where children from newborn to 2 years old experience God’s love for them and are cared for in small groups. We want all of our nursery kids to know:

 • God made them

 • God loves them  

 • Jesus wants to be their friend forever! 

The nursery opens each Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and on Wednesday nights at 6:15 p.m.

Kingdom KIDZ

Kingdom Kidz is our Sunday Morning ministry for children 3 years old to Kindergarten. It is designed to provide the safest and most secure environment for your child to grow in their understanding of the Lord. Kingdom Kids provides a biblically-based, well-planned, fun, and memorable lesson for your children allowing you to enjoy a distraction free worship time Kingdom Kidz is offered during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Parents should register their children at the KidCheck computer located in the Education Bldg. atrium.

KIDZ Church

KIDZ CHURCH for grades 1 - 5 meets every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. 

Praise--Worship--Bible Teaching--Great Activities--New Friends

We love kids at Midway Baptist Church and we're sure they'll love our KIDZ Church! When your children join us they'll discover the beautiful truths of the Bible through awesome praise and worship, fun and engaging Bible lessons, and tons of other fun activities. Our KIDZ Church is a safe and loving place where your kids will meet and make new friends each week so what are you waiting for? Parents should register their children at the KidCheck computer located in the Education Bldg. atrium.

KIDZ Sunday School

Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. 

Kidz Sunday School is an excellent way for your child to learn about Jesus and meet new friends. Classes are located upstairs in the FLC and in the Education Building. Visit the Welcome Centers in the FLC or Education Building lobbies for directions to your child’s age appropriate class.

Spark Plug KIDZ

SparkPlug Kidz is an exciting and fun Wednesday night ministry for children age 3 - Kindergarten. Class time is spent learning from and memorizing Scripture, playing and exploring, singing and making friends. It is our desire that Spark Plugs be safe, fun, and centered on Jesus Christ. We want our young children to learn that their Heavenly Father loves them, that the Word of God is true and without error, and that church is the best place in the world to be. Parents should register their children at the KidCheck computer located in the Education Bldg. atrium from 6:15-6:30 p.m.

Power Surge KIDZ

PowerSurge Kidz is Midway's high-energy Wednesday night ministry for 1st - 5th graders. The awesome worship, fun Bible lessons, Scripture memorization, and crazy games are guaranteed to bring kids back week after week. Our goal is to show our youngest generation Christ's incredible plan for their lives. Each week, at the beginning of PowerSurge, children are given the opportunity to recite Scripture passages they have memorized during the preceding week. Parents should register their children at the KidCheck computer located in the Education Bldg. atrium from 6:15-6:30 p.m. PowerSurge Kidz is electric!

Bible Stories for Kids

The Gospel is the good news, the message about Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. Use these videos to share the beautiful truths of Scripture with your child.